ABCJoe BidenLifeNewsPlanned ParenthoodPoliticsPress

Catholic Priest Denies Joe Biden Communion Because He’s Pro-Abortion

Joe Biden’s Demand for Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Turns Off Voters, Poll Shows –

Former vice president Joe Biden’s newfound opposition to the Hyde amendment, which prohibits the direct federal funding of abortion, has brought the contentious issue of taxpayer-funded abortion into the spotlight again. The politics of covering abortion through Medicaid has received mainstream-media coverage over the past few weeks weeks.

Joe Biden Will Force Americans to Fund Abortions Up to Birth –

It didn’t take long for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden to flip flop once again. After Biden came out supporting overturning the Hyde Amendment and forcing Americans to fund abortions, pro-life Americans made it clear they opposed his position supporting taxpayer-funded abortions up to birth.

Joe Biden Announces New Plan to Force Americans to Fund Abortions Up to Birth –

Americans have a better idea about Joe Biden’s abortion agenda after the Democratic presidential candidate unveiled his plans for national health care on Monday. ABC News reports the former vice president’s plan would expand the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, by forcing American taxpayers to pay for abortions, among other things.

Joe Biden Likens an Abortion to Having an Operation –

On the campaign trail today, Vice President Joe Biden likened an abortion to an operation – as if taking the life of a baby before birth is somehow beneficial in the same manner as a patient’s operation. Biden attacked presidential candidate Mitt Romeny and said: “Maybe where Romney is most sketchy is on women’s rights.

Life begins at conception. Abortion is legalized murder.

Christine Hammett

Is a baby only real if he is wanted? Please, choose life! Chris Hammett is a pro-life blogger (Abolitionist Arise) and 40 Days for Life participant joining millions in praying for an end to abortion and for Personhood from conception until natural death. She is a prayer partner with ProLife Action Ministries. She lives in Central Florida and has been married for 40+ years. Owen Osvaldo (O.O.) is their first grandchild. She previously worked as a graphic and web designer with Empower Creative Services LLC. She is currently practicing wildlife photography. The photography page of this site features some of her images from Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

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