American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds)LifeNewsMedicalPregnancy Help NewsPress

Doctors’ Group Says Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain as Early as 12 Weeks

Doctors’ Group Says Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain as Early as 12 Weeks –

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) recently released a press statement summarizing their new position statement concerning fetal pain. While the ACPeds acknowledges this issue is sometimes relevant to legal and moral discussions about abortion, the point of their statement is not to focus on whether abortion should be legal or if it is moral.

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – Wikipedia

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (also colloquially known as Micah’s Law) is a congressional bill that would, in most cases, make it unlawful to perform an abortion if the estimated post-fertilization age of a fetus is 20 weeks or more.

Life begins at conception. Abortion is legalized murder.

Christine Hammett

Is a baby only real if he is wanted? Please, choose life! Chris Hammett is a pro-life blogger (Abolitionist Arise) and 40 Days for Life participant joining millions in praying for an end to abortion and for Personhood from conception until natural death. She is a prayer partner with ProLife Action Ministries. She lives in Central Florida and has been married for 40+ years. Owen Osvaldo (O.O.) is their first grandchild. She previously worked as a graphic and web designer with Empower Creative Services LLC. She is currently practicing wildlife photography. The photography page of this site features some of her images from Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

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