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Eyes Wide Open

Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in her flying, so the causeless curse does not alight. – Proverbs 26:2 (AMPC)

America is experiencing a day of reckoning. To be clear, I am not saying that the Coronavirus pandemic is a judgement from God, necessarily. I am suggesting that we need to take this season of social distancing to consider how we got here, whether the response is proportional, and where do we go from here. In light of the scripture noted above, we need to prayerfully consider repentance in the face of crisis.

President Trump shared the following recommendations along with social distancing which has become much more than a “recommendation”:

White House Coronavirus Task Force

The new recommendations are simple to follow but will have a resounding impact on public health. While the President leads a nationwide response, bringing together government resources and private-sector ingenuity, every American can help slow the virus’ spread and keep our most high-risk populations safe:

  1. Listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
  2. If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
  3. If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider.
  4. If someone in your household has tested positive for the Coronavirus, keep the entire household at home.
  5. If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.
  6. If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition—such as a significant heart or lung problem—stay home and away from other people.

The first question: How did we get here? We are a democratic republic that has elected a President who had a problem on his hands: the emergency response system was out of date at a time when a pandemic hit us. It seemed that the only way to stop the spread of the Covid-19 was to stop physical contact. Suddenly, Americans were placed under the above restrictions for at least two weeks. It seemed reasonable to a degree and we’ve done our best to comply without giving in to fear since, as a Christian, I believe that God is protecting His children. Now, we are told that the restrictions are to be extended past Easter at least until April 30.

Related: no-baby-is-unplanned

I want to share a couple of other posts/videos that I believe show that everything may not be completely transparent. We need to shine some light: after all, that is what a lantern was invented for.

The Check is In the Mail

Nevertheless, we have the “bright side” to look on: the check is in the mail. Or not. Are we being paid to look the other way as the personal liberties that have been bought and paid for with the blood of our forefathers cry out? I predict in the end, it will barely dull the pain. However, the payment isn’t the only problem I have with believing the whole situation. It’s the signing ceremony and every daily press conference designed to reassure Americans that everything is going to be fine. President Trump and Vice President Pence and many key members of the Coronavirus Team stand together, smiling, nodding and looking very unconcerned even as President Trump happily passes them their souvenir pen.

Related: democrats-babiesborn-or-unborn-are-not-quite-human

As I recall from my civics class in high school, the President and Vice President are supposed to be separated during a national crisis. This situation has even been compared to a time of war. Apparently, all the folks in this video have an immune system that we can only hope for as citizens. I really see no personal concern for the six-foot minimum separation that my fellow sidewalk counselors have been compelled to practice as we plead for the unborn at abortion clinics. In fact, that is the second situation that I find completely inconsistent with this whole “so-called” pandemic. Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are continuing business as usual for elective surgery based on a woman’s “choice”. Here is an example of the madness of the situation:

At a time when we should be repenting of our sins in the face of a viral plague and tyranny, a long line of mothers and fathers couldn’t wait to get into OWC to kill their babies. What else will it take for you to #repentwithus, Florida? Is there no fear of God before your eyes? – Anne Marchetti, Facebook 4/21/20

Further thoughts from Anne:

I saw a Facebook post where Christians are gathering to pray against the Coronavirus.

Shouldn’t we be humbling ourselves before the Lord and seeking Him in repentance, instead?

Plagues and pestilences are some of the instruments God has used to execute His wrath against nations who persist in their sins of pride, defiance, and idolatry.

To just pray against the virus without hesitating to consider that we need to make amends with the Lord first, is to “waste this virus”, as a Christian from China said in the midst of their epidemic. To seek the protection of our bodies from viral attack yet not be sobered by the spiritual implications of it, would be a terrible error.

  • We continue to shed the blood of our own children, refusing to recognize them as our equals and making every excuse why we can’t protect them from murder.
  • We arrogantly march in the streets with raised fists, demanding respect for our acts of every kind of sexual perversion.
  • We have allowed sexually deviant men who dress like women prostitutes to teach our children to defy the Lord.
  • We have little regard for holy matrimony. Not only are we at a place where fornication and cohabitation is the norm, but divorce for unbiblical reasons and adultery are common.

These are just a few of the ways we’ve said to the Lord “Get out! We don’t want to follow Your commands. You’re nothing to us!”

I’m not saying the virus is defiintely an outpouring of God’s wrath upon us. I’m just saying it’s foolish to not soberly consider the possibility.

Instead of praying “against” the virus, it would behoove us to just stop and ask Him, “Father in Heaven, how have I sinned against You? Is this virus Your way of telling us that there’s no peace between You and us, and that we have failed to love our neighbors?”

Lord, have mercy! Please give us wisdom. Please help us to seek Your face and humble ourselves, in Jesus’ name.

From Michele Herzog:

This is an incredible time to be praying for a spirit of repentance to sweep over the church in America, for judgement begins with the household of God! Nothing happens that God does not allow, and most certainly the state of the nation is the state of the church. The church in America has never known persecution….we have had a rich time of eating, drinking and making merry. May we all as the body of Christ take this time to repent of the many idols in our lives, the absolute apathy we have shown toward younger image bearers of Christ being led to the slaughter daily, the sexual sins that are rampant in the majority of churches, the idolizing of men/pastors instead of God, idolizing religious spirits rather than relationship with Christ, preaching prosperity instead of humility, ignoring the cries of the widows and the orphans, and so much more, but one last one…..the pride that permeates the church…..pride comes before a fall. through all of this, I am crying out to God for a spirit of repentance leading to great humble revival…true revival, not manufactured revival. God truly is doing something, and truly shaking up the church, may we as HIS people hear HIS voice, and follow HIS leading. I pray that we will not shrink back in the day of adversity!

So abortion (murdering Americans before they are even born) is killing many times the number of citizens that the Coronavirus has even threatened. In one of my previous articles titled “Ask Me If I Care?”, I shared the abortion clock which just goes on ticking and ticking. Obviously, our nation is fine with death by choice. I echo Anne’s plea shown above: “Is there no fear of God before your eyes?”

Where Do We Go From Here?

So, is there a crisis? And if so, is it a virus of physical and/or social ramifications? I need to close with an appeal. My posts in this media of are meant to fulfill the theme: “We’re Here to Fix the Machine”. I think that we can all agree that the machine of American life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has changed first in definition and secondly in the application. I frankly believe that our forefathers who coined the phrase are rolling over in their graves as they see our modern interpretation. As far off as we are from their original concept,
I think that where we are headed as we surrender those national precepts for socialized medicine, etc. is so dangerous that we must respond.

First, we must acknowledge the scientific reality that life begins with conception:

Perhaps, it is time for the next civil war that will again assail the concept that people are only property and can be killed by whim for reasons of convenience? I pray instead for an overturn of the unjust law permitting this atrocity.

Secondly, we need to learn to wash our hands before we join them in prayers of repentance for how far America has fallen from being a so-called Christian nation.

Lastly, we need to fight for our rights as Americans that I can’t really begin to go into. Suffice it to say, free speech, religious liberty, and gun ownership are at great risk.

We need to be Common Sense Constitutional Conservatives and stand up for what we believe. Will you join me in a personal season of reflection, repentance, and revival?

Life begins at conception. Abortion is legalized murder.

Christine Hammett

Is a baby only real if he is wanted? Please, choose life! Chris Hammett is a pro-life blogger (Abolitionist Arise) and 40 Days for Life participant joining millions in praying for an end to abortion and for Personhood from conception until natural death. She is a prayer partner with ProLife Action Ministries. She lives in Central Florida and has been married for 40+ years. Owen Osvaldo (O.O.) is their first grandchild. She previously worked as a graphic and web designer with Empower Creative Services LLC. She is currently practicing wildlife photography. The photography page of this site features some of her images from Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

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