Gender Transition

Planned ParenthoodAmerican Life LeagueCulture of Life Studies ProgramEducationGender TransitionLifeNewsLive ActionLive Action NewsPetitionPornographyPressProLifeSex EducationTransgender Ideology

Parents: Beware of Planned Parenthood’s Abortion and Sexual Agenda Targeting Your Kids

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Abby JohnsonAbortionAmericaCatholicChristianEducationElectionGender TransitionLifeSite NewsOhioOhio Right to LifePrayerPressProLifeTransgender IdeologyYouTube

Abby Johnson urges Ohio voters to reject abortion, gender mutilation during rosary rally speech

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Boycott TargetAmericaChild & Parental Rights CampaignEducationFamilyGender TransitionHomosexualLifeSite NewsPetitionPressPride MonthTargetTransgenderTransgender Ideology

7 state AGs warn Target that ‘Pride’ promotion may have violated child protection laws

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AbortionAmericaEducationFamilyFloridaFlorida Family Policy CouncilFlorida Heartbeat BillGender TransitionLegalProLifeTransgender Ideology

Legislative Insider’s Report: Week 3 of 9 – Protecting Minors, Parental Rights in Education, Heartbeat Protection Act

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