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Robert F Kennedy Called “Absolutely Evil” for Endorsing Abortions Up to Birth

Robert F Kennedy Called “Absolutely Evil” for Endorsing Abortions Up to Birth –

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. expressed support for full-term abortions during a recent interview with podcast hostess Sage Steele. Kennedy is a self-professed Catholic. On Wednesday’s episode of her show, Steele asked Kennedy if he preferred leaving abortion “up to the states.” “No, I wouldn’t leave it to the states,” the candidate answered.

Robert Kennedy Jr Confirms He Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “Even if It’s Full Term” –

Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr has confirmed once again that he supports abortions up to birth. He said in a new interview that he would allow women to have abortions at full-term if that was their choice. As NBC reported, Kennedy confirmed he would not prohibit or limite late-term aboritons – even up to […]

Robert Kennedy Jr Confirms Again That He Supports Abortions Up to Birth –

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confused voters over the weekend with conflicting statements about abortion, but ultimately confirmed he supports abortions up to birth with no limits. Now he has released a second statement again confirming he supports unlimited abortions up to birth. The Democrat and presidential hopeful initially gave an interview with NBC News over […]

Life begins at conception. Abortion is legalized murder.

Christine Hammett

Is a baby only real if he is wanted? Please, choose life! Chris Hammett is a pro-life blogger (Abolitionist Arise) and 40 Days for Life participant joining millions in praying for an end to abortion and for Personhood from conception until natural death. She is a prayer partner with ProLife Action Ministries. She lives in Central Florida and has been married for 40+ years. Owen Osvaldo (O.O.) is their first grandchild. She previously worked as a graphic and web designer with Empower Creative Services LLC. She is currently practicing wildlife photography. The photography page of this site features some of her images from Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

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