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Biden Ignores Hundreds of Cases of Violence Against Pro-Life Christians

Biden Ignores Hundreds of Cases of Violence Against Pro-Life Christians –

Bricks hurled through windows. Churches set on fire in the middle of the night and worshipers harangued at services. Bigoted graffiti spray-painted on walls. Death threats against students. These heinous acts sound like dispatches from the Jim Crow-era South. But these have all occurred over the last two years, and the Biden administration has turned a blind eye to them.

Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances & Places of Religious Worship

The Special Litigation Section also enforces the civil provisions of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994 (FACE). This Act prohibits the use or threat of force and physical obstruction that injures, intimidates, or interferes with a person seeking to obtain or provide reproductive health services or to exercise the First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship.

New Evidence Contradicts FBI Director’s Claim That Anti-Catholic Memo Came from ‘Single Field Office’ | National Review

‘This revelation raises the question of why you redacted this information in previous versions of the document,’ Jim Jordan wrote in a letter.

Pro-abortion vandals target Ohio Catholic churches, schools before Issue 1 vote

One church was defaced with pro-abortion messages spray-painted on a window and more than a dozen other church properties had signs stolen or destroyed.

Life begins at conception. Abortion is legalized murder.

Christine Hammett

Is a baby only real if he is wanted? Please, choose life! Chris Hammett is a pro-life blogger (Abolitionist Arise) and 40 Days for Life participant joining millions in praying for an end to abortion and for Personhood from conception until natural death. She is a prayer partner with ProLife Action Ministries. She lives in Central Florida and has been married for 40+ years. Owen Osvaldo (O.O.) is their first grandchild. She previously worked as a graphic and web designer with Empower Creative Services LLC. She is currently practicing wildlife photography. The photography page of this site features some of her images from Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

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