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Trump Would Pardon Pro-Life Americans Biden Put in Prison, Get Them “Back to Their Families”

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CatholicAbortionAdvocateAmericaCatholic Accountability Project (CAP)Catholic News AgencyChristianDepartment of JusticeFreedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) ActJane's RevengeJoe BidenLegalLifeNewsNational ReviewPoliticsPressProLifeReligious FreedomThe Justice Foundation

Biden Ignores Hundreds of Cases of Violence Against Pro-Life Christians

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Oklahoma Sues Biden For Denying It Health Care Funds Because It Won’t Use Them to Pay for Abortions

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Joe Biden Wants to Kill More Babies in Abortions, Put Women’s Lives and Health at Risk

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Pope Francis Tells World Youth Day Participants to Oppose Abortion, You Must “Defend Life”

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