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Title X40 Days for LifeAbortionAdvocateAmericaCoronavirusCovid Relief BillDepartment of JusticeEugenicsFreedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) ActGovernment Accountability OfficeJoe BidenLegalLifeNewsMargaret SangerMark HouckMedicaidMedicalPaycheck Protection ProgramPlanned ParenthoodPoliticsPresident TrumpPressProLifeRep. Claudia TenneyRepublicansThe Daily SignalThe Heritage FoundationYouTube

Planned Parenthood, America’s Biggest Abortion Biz, Has Received $7.9 Billion in Taxpayer Funding

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MedicaidAbortionAdvocateAmericaBanCatholicCatholic News AgencyJoe BidenLifeNewsMedicalOklahomaOklahoma Abortion BanPlanned ParenthoodPoliticsPressProLifeTexasTexas Abortion BanTitle X

Oklahoma Sues Biden For Denying It Health Care Funds Because It Won’t Use Them to Pay for Abortions

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Rep. Mark GreenAbortionAmericaCongressDept. of Health and Human Services (HHS)Family Research CouncilJoe BidenLegalPoliticsProLifeTitle X

Congressman Introduces Bill to Stop Biden From Denying Health Care Funds to Pro-Life States

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Joe BidenCNNGov. Kristi NoemLifeNewsMarch for LifePoliticsPressProLifeRep. Chris SmithReproductive Healthcare Access Task ForceTexas Heartbeat ActTitle XUSA Today

Joe Biden Sends $1.4 Million to Texas Abortion Businesses After Heartbeat Law Saves Thousands of Babies

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