
PoliticsAbortionAmericaBanCommon Sense Constitutional ConservativesConservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)ConservativesEdmund Burke FoundationLanternsPresident TrumpPressProLifeSen. J. D. VanceThe Conservative Woman

National conservatives like JD Vance should support a federal abortion ban

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Emergency AbortionAbortionAmericaDept. of Health and Human Services (HHS)ExceptionsJoe BidenLegalLive ActionLive Action NewsMedicalPoliticsPressProLife

Is Biden’s HHS pushing propaganda about ’emergency abortions’? You be the judge.

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Platform Integrity ProjectAbortionAmericaBanBirth ControlCatholic VoteCatholicVoteElectionFamilyHuman Life AmendmentIVFLifeNewsLifeSite NewsMedicalPoliticsPresident TrumpPressProLifeRepublicansTransgender

Pro-Life Leader Says New GOP Platform is Pro-Life But Needs Improvement

Fueling the concerns, of course, were the reports that Donald Trump was trying to gut the platform’s pro-family planks to

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Defense of Life ActAbortionAmericaBanDobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health OrganizationFederal CourtsIdahoLifeNewsPressRoe V WadeSupreme CourtSupreme Court

Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Idaho Abortion Ban in Place to Protect Unborn Babies

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Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOC)AbortionAmericaBanCoercionEmploymentJoe BidenLegalLifeNewsMississippiMississippi Abortion BanPoliticsPregnant Workers Fairness ActPressReligious FreedomThe Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Judge Blocks Biden’s Plan to Force Employers to Fund Abortions

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AbortionAmericaBanFetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion ActHeartbeat BillLegalLifeSite NewsPressProLifeSouth Carolina

Federal judge upholds South Carolina heartbeat law in blow to Planned Parenthood – LifeSite

Judge Daniel Coble rejected Planned Parenthood’s latest legal challenge to South Carolina’s heartbeat law after the state’s supreme court upheld

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