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The media’s favorite diversion tactic about ‘taxpayer-funded abortion up to birth’

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Sen. J. D. VanceAbortionAmericaElectionLifeNewsLifeSite NewsMifepristonePillsPoliticsPresident TrumpPressRepublicansThe American SpectatorYouTube

J.D. Vance Must Renounce Support for Abortion Pill, Return to His Pro-Life Principles

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Supreme Court rules doctors suing FDA over removal of abortion pill safety measures lack standing

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Joe Biden’s Policies are Responsible for Abortion Pill Killing and Injuring Women

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New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center – LifeNews.com On April 22, 2024,

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Nurses Group Says Abortion Pills are Hurting Women: “We See Women Arriving in ERs With Life-Threatening Infections”

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Katelynn Took the Abortion Pill and Immediately Regretted It, Thankfully Baby Aubrey’s Life Was Saved

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NBA player accused of coercing Instagram model to kill their preborn baby

Facebook No Description Research shows women are coerced into abortion, and this leads to emotional trauma

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