Author: Christine Hammett

Kamala HarrisAbortionAdvocateAmericaCarol TobiasCatholicCongressCoronavirusDemocratEMILY's ListFather Frank PavoneJoe BidenLifeNewsMarjorie DannenfelserMedicalNARALNational Right to Life CommitteeNo Taxpayer Funding for Abortion ActPlanned ParenthoodPoliticsPressPriests for LifeProLifeReproductive Freedom for Women ActSusan B Anthony ListWomen's Health Protection Act (HR 3755)

Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States

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Sen. J. D. VanceAbortionAmericaElectionLive ActionLive Action NewsMifepristonePillsPoliticsPresident TrumpPressProLifeRepublicansSocial MediaTwitter (X)

The media’s favorite diversion tactic about ‘taxpayer-funded abortion up to birth’

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PressCare-NetCharlotte Lozier InstituteFamilyFocus on the FamilyHeartbeat InternationalLifeNewsNational Institute of Family and Life AdvocatesPregnancy Help CentersPregnancy Help NewsProLife

97% of Women Who Visit Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Have a Positive Experience

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