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17 Democrat AGs form pro-abortion ‘working group’ targeting pro-life pregnancy centers

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Pregnancy Centers Fight Back Against Biden Trying to Force Them to Promote Abortions

Pregnancy Centers Fight Back Against Biden Trying to Force Them to Promote Abortions – Several pro-life pregnancy centers in

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Pro-Life Congressman: “Never Run” From Abortion, Stand Up for Moms and Babies

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Planned Parenthood Just Sells Abortions, But Pro-Life Americans Help Thousands of Pregnant Women Every Day

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Pro-Life Members of Congress Bash Joe Biden for Trying to De-Fund Pregnancy Centers

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Pro-Life Groups Celebrate Ron DeSantis Signing Law Banning Abortions on Babies With Beating Hearts

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40 Days for LifeCare-NetPregnancy Care CentersProLifeShawn Carney

Pinned Down. Forced to Abort

Nichole spent the two-hour drive to her abortion appointment hoping somebody would stop her. Nobody did. It wasn’t until she was lying

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Ron DeSantis Slams Joe Biden for Targeting Pro-Life Americans, Ignoring Pro-Abortion Violence

.@RonDeSantisFL addresses the DOJ’s indictment of two radical pro-abortion activists for attacking pro-life pregnancy facilities in Florida: “I was surprised

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