6 Week

Abortion6 WeekAmericaBanFloridaGov. DeSantisPolitics

Florida Heartbeat Law Takes Effect Wednesday, Will Save Thousands of Babies From Abortion

Florida Heartbeat Law Takes Effect Wednesday, Will Save Thousands of Babies From Abortion – LifeNews.com Florida’s new heartbeat law will

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Donald Trump: Democrats are Abortion Radicals, “They Allow the Killing of Babies” Up to Birth

Trump calls DeSantis’ heartbeat protections for unborn babies “a terrible thing” and a “terrible mistake.” Won’t commit to national 15

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Gov. DeSantis6 WeekAbolish Human AbortionAbortionAmericaBanFloridaFlorida Family Policy CouncilFlorida Heartbeat BillLegalProLifeSearching for WilberforceThe Wilberforce Project

Appeal to Governor DeSantis to Abolish Abortion in Florida

Facebook Setting up police barricades in front of abortion mills and calling the State Legislature to an emergency session are

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President Trump15 Week6 WeekAbortionAmericaBanConservativesDobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health OrganizationElectionExceptionsFaith and Family CoalitionFederal CourtsFrankly with FrankIncestIowaJustice Samuel AlitoLifeNewsLifeSite NewsPain-Capable Unborn Child Protection ActPoliticsPressProLifeRapeRoe V WadeSupreme CourtSusan B Anthony ListYouTube

Trump Celebrates His Supreme Court Nominees Overturning Roe: “A Landmark Victory”

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Abortion6 WeekAmericaBanCrisis PregnancyExceptionsFloridaFlorida Family Policy CouncilFlorida Heartbeat BillLegalMedicalPregnancy CentersProLife

Justified Homicide

Regarding the Pregnancy and Parenting Support Bill (SB300, HB7) This bill is not a pro-life bill or a personhood bill.

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